Sunday, September 27, 2009
Quick Commentary
I guess I also forgot to mention in my previous post, I plan on giving a little word to the wise at the end of each post about each clique..It is simply my personal advice based on my experiences and preferences with the different cliques. Take it how you want, it's just the way I feel.
Gossip Girls
We all know who they are. They run their mouths like it's their job and their main purpose at high school is to spread everything: rumors, secrets, and the latest gossip. Whether we like to admit it or not, we all rely on these people to tell us everything. And they're the ones to call if you wanna check up on your boyfriend or girlfriend. They get the latest scoop. Yet what I want to know is where do they get it? They're in the same environment that we are, usually are friends with the same people we are, but they tend to know so much more than we do. I think it's because they have good peripheral vision. They see the things we don't, they can sense what we can't, and let's face it they've got to have eyes in the back of their heads. These gossip girls can be anyone but they usually are "the almosts". This clique, which I will later discuss, are the ones that are basically in the "popular" group but not quite. They hang around the edges. They'll attend some big bonfires or group outings, but nothing major. They sit with the "populars" in the student section at games, but they never cheer half as loud. They always seem to be rushing around, as if they have a big purpose. That purpose being you. They wanna find out everything about you, and they'll do whatever it takes, even if it means sneaking around in your business. Most of the rumors they either start themselves or make up to get some things stirring. I feel like it's their one attempt at becoming popular. They want attention and they know they can get it if they start the conversation up. They can do this by starting out with what they heard or the latest couple. Some find them annoying, but some find them helpful. They don't really have specific physical traits, although must tend to be quiet girls with darker hair, especially the ones with the bangs that either cover their face or don't do enough for them. They wear an average amount of make up, but switch up their eye shadow alot mainly to be recognized. They have a unique sense of style and when they try, they can look really pretty. I guess I forgot to mention that most of them are GIRLS. That's because a) if any guy were to be this, most would probably find him weird, annoying, and potentially gay b) they'd have to be really good friends with the boys ANd girls (potentially impossible at our school if you ask me) and c) they'd have to be involved in things other than sports, but still be friends with all the jocks. And frankly, guys just don't care as much as girls do about the "talk" around school, because they'll believe what they want to and they know what's true and what's not. The only talk I ever hear coming from guys is the usual locker room chat they have after games or practices, and usually involves grading girls on a piggish scale. Pathetic. But what makes the Gossip Guys different, is they travel in a pack. There's never just one guy who says it, if one of the football players thinks a band girl is hot, they all do. They share the same opinions and tend to allow one leader make all their decisions for them, whether they agree or not. This differs from the girls. The gossip girls never unite I've realized. If they did, they'd be a supernatural source and none of your secrets would ever be safe. Another reason: they'd never get along and they'd probably always try to figure out secrest about each other. Annoying much? To me, I think so. My secrets are safe with me however, because I know none of my friends would tell the gossip girls, no matter how much they pry. And I don't mean to be dissing on them, because some of the girls I'm really good friends with and are nice at heart. You just have to be careful what you say and how you say it, cause you never know who will be listening to it. My advice to you: keep your stuff on the DL. If you don't want people knowing, don't tell. And make sure if you're gonna do something crazy, don't let others see it. You never know who'd be watching, and whose ready to spill their guts to all the popular girls. Trust no one. Except of course, your mommy.
All Things High School
At my many failed attempts to find a good topic to grasp and be able to write about, I think I need to broaden my horizons and switch up the playing field. New topic with more of a variety, and this time it's for good. What I'm going to talk about will not be news to many of you, but what it will be is my insight on all things high school. Mostly, cliques. I will attempt to write about a new clique each week that I see forming or existing at our high school. In doing so, I can write about the various cliques we have: the characteristics, the traits (both phsycially and emotionally) and the behaviorisms. I considered making this into a project and trying to become a part of a new clique each week but only realized that it'd be impossible because a) there's way too many, b) not all cliques will be accepting, and c) I don't play in band, don't play sports, and don't do any drama so that would eliminate me from a large amount of the cliques.
I will attempt to speak about each main event that happens weekly at our school, be it a sports game, an assembly, or a good article in the school newspaper all revolving around people. Before I begin, I would like to mention the fact that in no way do I mean to harm anyone's self-esteem by publishing things about being part of cliques. I do not mean to make personal attacks on anyone nor do I mean to judge or criticize people about their characteristics I am simply stating my opinion on the surroundings that are presented to me in the high school I attend. Welcome then, to the cliquey high school life.
I will attempt to speak about each main event that happens weekly at our school, be it a sports game, an assembly, or a good article in the school newspaper all revolving around people. Before I begin, I would like to mention the fact that in no way do I mean to harm anyone's self-esteem by publishing things about being part of cliques. I do not mean to make personal attacks on anyone nor do I mean to judge or criticize people about their characteristics I am simply stating my opinion on the surroundings that are presented to me in the high school I attend. Welcome then, to the cliquey high school life.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
VMAS-Michael Jackson Tribute
While writing about the latest VMA's, I almost forgot to mention the most important part: It was ALL ABOUT MICHAEL JACKSON. From the speeches of Madonna, to the performances of his various songs, to the special performance by Janet Jackson, it seemed the VMA's had a second motive: to promote and celebrate the life of Michael Jackson. While I'll admit, some of his hit songs were pretty good and the guy was an outrageously good dancer with really unique moves, I feel like the title "King of Pop" doesn't necessarily fit him. For one, he isn't the King of Pop because not all of his songs were pop. Back in the day, the Jackson Five wrote many songs, even Christmas ones. Secondly, people seem to forget the fact that he was accused of child molestation, he's not the real father of his kids, he bleached his skin, he dangled a baby over a high balcony, did drugs (even high at a press conference) and he quite possibly had sexual relations with men?? Does no one seem to care?!? His death was due to the fact that he overdosed on prescription drugs. The whole ordeal blew up and now people are trying to pay tribute to a man of his stature? Unbelievable. I think Michael was better when he was a kid. His voice was amazing and he had a golden heart, plus his four other brothers made the Jackson Five a total success. But as he got older, he only became worse. Sure, we can celebrate the fact that he lived life, more or less appropriately. The fact of the matter is he's gone: Let's mourn and be done with it. After all, life will go on.
Banned For Life?
The commodity and publicity of the famous Kanye incident at the VMA's has still not expired. Instead, radio stations are using it as a great prize give a way. Local station, Z102.9, has a prize for the ninth caller once they catch the name and artist of the song that Kanye interrupts. For example, "I Wanna Touch You" by Fall Out Boy was playing and in the middle of the song Kanye's voice comes on saying that Beyonce's video was the best. Then, the caller calls in and wins the Fall Out Boy CD and Beyonce's CD. Awesome. Wanna know what's ridiculous to me? Jay-Z told a British radio station that while it was rude of Kanye West, he shouldn't be condoned as much as he is. "He's just a very passionate person" Jay-Z said. Passionate enough to come up and take the mic away from a poor little Taylor Swift getting her first award? I think not. I agree with the polls, Kanye should be banned from award shows for life. Or maybe not forever, but for a while until he can mature up. Part of me thinks he did it all for publicity. Clearly, everyone has been making a big deal of it. Celebs are all getting asked their opinions, most sane T-Swift fans think that Kanye is foul. Even our own president, Barrack Obama, says the celeb is disgraceful. Some artists however believe that West wasn’t that out of line, since rude, obnoxious actions have long been the norm at awards shows. Think back to Super Bowl XXXVIII when Janet Jackson's boob got exposed, nasty right? Yet, the publicity from that never ended. While most parents were upset, Justin Timberlake went up in popularity. That's exactly how this thing is going down. Either way it was still really rude, and I vote he's banned for awhile.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Baby Daisy is Gone

In recent news, it has been announced that Jessica Simpson's little dog Daisy (a Malti-Poo) was snatched up by a coyote only three days ago. Like a mother, she is on an endless search for Daisy while critics say it's quite impossible for the dog to still be alive after three days, she still has hope. What I think is most idiotic about the situation is that she is spending money trying to find the dog when clearly it is dead. A coyote is a predator and naturally it's going to eat what it can find, even Jessica's beloved dog. What amazes me is that even a girl, who seemingly is not the brightest crayon in the box, doesn't realize the circumstances of the situation. I hope she doesn't take this to the extreme, wasting money on SQUAD teams who will only either never find the dog or find it under some dirt in a desserted area? Whose to know, celebs do have a lot of money and are known for pointless spending. Sad to say that Daisy must be gone, but why doesn't she just use the 22 million or so she currently has and buy a brand new one? While it's true money can't buy you happiness, it sure can make things alot better for Jessica. And in this situation, it really shouldn't be that big of a deal.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Kanye West is clearly not Best!
So, I think I've decided to rename and re-do this blog and my inspiration being the recent VMA's. Watching those got me thinking: I'm way more interested in today's world then I am in the fiction books of Mary Higgins Clark (no offense Mary). While I do enjoy reading and solving mystery books as a past time, it's time to move on to bigger, better, and let's face it more importnant things in life revolving around pop culture. In doing so, I can talk about the current issues the press has brought about, the celeb world, and whats new in the trends and fashions of todays world. By doing so, I will encompass more of a variety of things to talk about and therefore have more to say than I do with reviewing mystery books. This first blog I decided to talk about the scandalous act of famous celeb Kanye West, whom I WAS a fan of, but not anymore! Last night I watched a re-run of the VMA's which aired on Sunday night as they were announcing the nominees for best female video, I couldn't help but stare at the nominees. Lady Gaga was up for her PokerFace video and while I think she produces awesome music I must say her fashion sense is a little wacko. Maybe its her culture, I don't know, but whatever she was sporting was not working for her. It looked much like an ugly green sweater with a neck brace and a huge pink feather over her tightly packed-in curled blonde hair. Not cute. Next, was Beyonce, who I believe is so incredibly beautiful its inevitable she's up for the award. Have you seen her dance? Hello, she's amazing. The Single Ladies video was what was nominated and for obvious reasons: clever dance moves, innovative booty shaking, and small little outfits. Also up, was Taylor Swift. She's a personal favorite of mine simply because I think her songs relate to me the most. Whatever is going on in my life, her songs have lead me through to believe there is hope, mostly in relationships and love. She has taught me many things with her words, and her music has a huge effect on me. Her song, "You Belong With Me" was the nominated video, and I feel this song speaks to me the most. But enough about me, you probably wanna know who won? As if you don't already, Taylor Swift did! This being her first VMA award, she seemed humble and overjoyed as she walked up on stage and began thanking all of her fans and producers. A drunken Kanye West approaches on the stage, grasping the mic. out of Taylor's hands and proclaiming that Beyonce clearly had the best video ever. The whole crowd seemed mortified and everyone looked pissed off. Taylor's friends and family all stood up applauding her, all while glaring at Kanye as he walked off. Everyone was appalled by his behavior and it is rumored that Taylor Swift slapped him backstage. Much like any other girl in that situation would do, I hope. But what was most inspiring was when Beyonce won Best Video (ironic that ultimately Kanye's beliefs were right?) and while she thanked everyone she pulled Taylor Swoft up on stage with her. What an unbelieveable role model and respectable woman in the celeb world. Kudos to her for making the night so much better. I wish I could discuss more, but homework is calling my name. Until next time, Have a good one.
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