"Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in a drought, useless and disappointing!"
So give me an answer. Today. Not tomorrow, not the next day, not next week, not next month, or next year, Now. Because this whole "I like you but.." second grade sh** is getting really old and frankly, I'm not gonna put up with it. For all my boy situations, I've come to one conclusion: BOYS SUCK.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Boys Suck
I'm sure I'm not the only teen girl whose been thoroughly upset with the collection of boys presented in front of her. At my school, there's a rare breed of boys that might actually have something going for them and those boys are usually in a relationship because somebody has been smart enough to snatch them up and make them their own. For me, I'm one of the not-so-lucky girls who waited all this time to find a decent person of the opposite sex to start a relationship with and all too late to do so. I've recently talked about breaking up with a boy from a different school and realized that dating someone from a different school is much too difficult with everything I've got going on in my life so I decided that the searching needed to be done within the Kennedy walls. I began checking out the junior boys of class most of which are either immature, taken, or just plain stupid none of which I can find any remote interest in besides one of the biggest flirts whom I could never take seriously. So then, I moved onto seniors. Of course, we've got lots of seniors some cute, some ugly, some short, some fat, a little bit of everything. A fruit salad, if you ask me. Some seniors are already too college-crazed. Partying all the time, not doing their homework, and acting like they own the school. For those seniors, all I have to say is grow up. Some day they're going to miss this place and want to come back and re-live their senior year, and it's gonna be too late. There's also some seniors who are too full of themselves and the sports they play. Let's get real here: not all girls love a big huge jock whose too cocky to actually care or for that matter, commit and those are ones I try to stay clear of cause I guarantee all they'll do is break my heart. But then again, there's a couple seniors who really have stuff going for them. They're nice and sweet, cute and funny, and involve themselves in schoolwork and athletics never having too much fun but allowing themselves to let loose at times. Now those seniors are my type of people and the type of boy I want to date. I wouldn't say I'm picky when it comes to boys cause I have dated a variety, I just want someone who's gonna treat me right. I've always had a crush on this senior, who shall go unnamed and referred to as "Bob". Bob and I hit it off my freshman year when I dumped my boyfriend and his then best friend. We ended up talking alot and realizing we had alot in common. We began hanging out due to the fact our houses are in close vicinity and we were both "looking for love". Until I found it with someone else and began a two year venture that ended badly. While doing so, Bob found someone else too and has been in a serious relationship since my sophomore year and into the first month of this year until he ended it because he just didn't want to date her anymore. Throughout everything, Bob and I have still kept in touch; talked alot, seen eachother in the halls, texted, and been good friends. I got to know Bob alot more than I ever thought I would and when things were going badly in my relationship, I looked to Bob for comfort. So when my relationship ended and his didn't, I still liked Bob but decided that waiting wasn't my answer. I met Jon and we dated briefly, nothing serious and ended within a month. Bob, however, got out of his serious relationship and has remained single ever since. So you think it'd be the perfect time for me and Bob to hit it off right? Yeah, I thought so too. Bob and I kept talking and began hanging out and it was like nothing had changed. We hadn't really told anyone because it's not anyone else's business but ours. You know how girls are though, me especially, wanting to tell their friends every detail of their life when it comes to boys so of course I had told some of my best girlfriends about it and they were all happy for me. One day, while walking out to my car in the school parking lot, I was stopped by a senior guy whom I'm relatively close friends with. I was texting Bob and he asked me about it and I just told him that Bob and I were possibly trying things out because I maybe sorta kinda had a crush on him (okay yeah, I like him). He seemed happy for me and that was the end of the conversation. Over the past couple weeks, Bob and I have been hanging out alot and it's going really well until this morning. A guy in my first hour class, whose on the basketball team with Bob, confronted me about hanging out with Bob and made fun of me for kissing him. I denied that we were kissing because I mean really, whose business? Not his. But of course, he kept it going. So, I texted Bob letting him know what was happening and just like that: Bob snapped. He started yelling at me for telling people because now all his guy friends were asking him about it and he was getting upset. Then, I preceeded to yell right back. If he liked me, then why did it matter if people knew? It shouldn't. He should be proud to be talking to me. But obviously, that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead, Bob continued to freak and finally just said he doesn't think we should hang out anymore. Seriously? What do you think? Am I crazy mad for being upset at Bob over stupid rumors? Let's be real here. It's so not fair that Bob gets upset over something so little. I guess maybe I've realized Bob doesn't see me the way I thought he did. I mean I know were not dating but I figured with time that would come and that's why I've been okay with just hanging out and talking but not dating. But you know what? Screw it. Bob can go to Hell for all I care. Okay, not literally but come on settle down Bob! If you don't want other people to know then clearly this isn't going anywhere and I want out before it gets too far ahead for me to try and stop liking me. I want some answers Bob and I want them now. I'm done waiting because, as best put by Sam (played by Hilary Duff) in the movie A Cinderella Story ,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Countdown: 20!

Today, while rummaging through stupid applications and pointless photos on Facebook, I ran into this super long message between my co-ed cheerleading members and I including several inspirational messages, countless reminders, and the best part: a practice countdown to Nationals! Last year was my first year with the Iowa Elite family and my first experience with a national cheerleading competition, taking place in the first couple weeks of March in Disney World, Orlando, Florida. I gave a picture of me in my uniform inside my room with my mickey hat sign! Besides the fact that we got to go to the parks, swim at the hotel, and get super tan, we got to compete at a national level, which is one of the most invigorating and great things I've ever done! I can't begin to recall all the memories from that week that will forever be engraved in my memory. Knowing this, hearing that the National competition of 2010 is approaching quicker than it seems, is absolutely thrilling! The official countdown is 20 practices. It may seem like not alot, but when you practice only twice a week for two hours a piece, it can stretch itself out. While we have three months, we haven't been practicing like it. Alot of the team members, including myself, find little to none motivatio at practices and therefore lack the practice makes perfect attitude. I know that I've been feeling depressed about cheerleading because our routine is very easy to all of us and it sucks knowing that the difficulty level could be so much higher if we actually applied ourselves. I was told that this happened last year. That Co-ed buckled down the last month before Nationals and that didn't add up for them because they placed second. For the super seniors and seniors on our team, this is their last year to win a national championship and on my part I'm going to give it all I've got and make this year the best one yet. With that being said, I've decided to start attending some more tumbling classes every opportunity I get. I know that if I can apply myself, I can make it happen. Before I broke my ankle in the Spring, I practically had my round-off tuck (which for those of who don't know is a tumbling skill requiring a back flip), when I hurt my ankle I lost alot of what I had and still lack some of it today. Recently, I got an ankle brace for my left ankle, which I seem to have some problems persist, and that has seemed to work miracles. The big issue for me is making it to classes due to my busy schedule. Don't get me wrong, my mother has always said; the busier I am the happier I am and to the full extent this is true. When I don't have something going on, I get bored. Being bored is me being lazy and usually requires me eating and being in a bad mood. So I know that while I'm very busy, it's for the best. Tumbling classes do require about an hours worth of time plus a half hour driving time, most of which I lack on weekdays and which I lack on Saturday mornings due to my work schedule. I think I might request a couple Saturday mornings off to be able to go to classes and get myself back into the game. I know that if I get my tumbling skills back, my coaches will be proud, and I will be proud and I can begin to be put in to the tumbling section of our routine. That in itself excites me! But I've realized recently that I don't have all the time in the world. I have three months give or take. Plus we have holiday break coming up, meaning the gym is going to be closed and I'm going to be S.O.L. Over break, I plan on working out alot. I have started going to a gym with my friend Cassie and it's benefited me thus far. I want to improve my health and I want to run alot so that I can be in the best shape possible and more active at practice. I know that being at practice is a mindset. I either wanna be there or I don't. And lately, it's been more of a pessemistic attitude for me, which I know is unfair to my team. So, I'm making an oath. A somewhat early New Year's Resolution for myself that will hopefully benefit my teammates and it is this:
I pledge to make every practice count. I pledge to work my hardest and give it my all everytime. I pledge that the second I walk into the gym, I leave my negative attitude at the door and put on my happy face and go out on the mats and give it my all. I pledge to never let my teammates down and do whatever it takes to hit my stuff. I pledge to start coming to more tumbling classes and to work on stretching and working out at home, instead of just at the gym. But finally and most importantly: I pledge to ROCK IT at Nationals and never forget that every moment spent in that glorious gym, that every drop of sweat I produced, that every second I worked was meant for the day we hit the Nationals floor. I'm gonna sell it, work it, and own it. And we're gonna go out there and show the cheer world Iowa has got more than just corn. They've got cheerleaders. Awesome cheerleaders. National Championship Cheerleaders that own their title and for a reason.
In preparation for the funnest week of my year, I usually do alot of tanning and some last minute shopping for some stuff I just must have down there including lots of yummy food. I have to begin saving up my money and my paychecks so that I can have some sweet spending money for the cheer clothes I ad0re! And, I gotta make a couple bows to encourage myself. It always gets me super pumped up.
So in these last few words before I leave, I wanna give a shout out to my Iowa Elite family. We Rock guys! And first place has come easy for us this far, but not because we've been working as hard as we can. Let's all continue to try our best and make every practice count, because as I stated earlier we've only got 20 left with this amazing dream team. We can do it! We can be the best! We can win a National Championship title! Because we are:
Monday, December 14, 2009
Living With Autism
Yesterday, I began my adventure of babysitting for my Spanish II teacher's kids: Simeon and Micah, both of whom, are autistic. This all began last year when I was a student for Ms. Jauihainen. Spanish has always been a strong subject for me and I really enjoyed having such a great teacher. I feel we really hit it off well and she asked if I could babysit for her. I gave her my number and this fall she called and let me know that they were going to be moving in the winter and that they were getting funding from the state for the autism and that they could pay babysitters very well. Later, in the month of November, she approached me again and asked if I would still be interested and I told her yes. So, she had me come over and meet her children and play with them a bit to see what it was like. Then I had to fill out some paper work and such and she told me she'd call when she needed me. Yesterday morning she called and asked if I'd babysit so that her and her husband Peter could do some Christmas shopping. I had the day off from cheerleading so I told her I would and went to her house. Having only met the kids once and being at the house only once, everything was relatively new to me. When I arrived, the kids were putting marbles down a race track in the living room and Ms. J explained to me some things she wanted me to do with the boys including taking them outside, playing a board game, writing a letter to Santa, making hot chocolate, and feeding them supper. And with that, she was gone. I began by trying to play marbles with them. She told me that the goal was to get them to do many activities instead of just one, because they could easily do just one. So, after twenty minutes I asked if they wanted to go outside but I got a screaming No. I explained to the both of them that we could no longer play marbles because Mommy said, and they decided to ignore me. So, I pretended to not hear them and started putting on my snow stuff and eventually I got them to put theirs on too and come with. They wanted to take buckets of water out with them for some odd reason but they had no explanation. When I asked them about it, I got a mumbled answer and they walked outside. Next thing I knew they were throwing snow all over my car and they were finding it hilarious. I tried to tell them that that was unacceptable and they continued to do it. When we went back inside, they went right back to the marbles and if I tried to get them to do something else they freaked and screamed. They were being very unresponsive and so I finally gave up and went to make supper. They came in and had to rearrange themselves to be in their "own spots" as they called them and in the middle of supper they got up and turned on all of their Christmas lights. After a little more playing, Ms. J and Peter came home and after some small talk they asked overall how it went and I explained to them some of the concerns I had. Ms. J ended up printing me off some info. about autism that she suggest I read so that I'd understand it better and with that (and a check for $70) I left.
I didn't intend to read all of the information she gave me. After all, it's like fifteen pages full text but I started reading last night and haven't been able to put down. Autism is mainly genetic and symptoms begin in the first two years of life. Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication. Most children have trouble developing social skills and that's why Simeon was being very unresponsive. Autistic infants show less attention to social stimuli, smile and look at others less often, and respond less to their own name. Autistic toddlers differ more strikingly from social norms; for example, they have less eye contact and turn taking, and are more likely to communicate by manipulating another person's hand. Three to five-year-old autistic children are less likely to exhibit social understanding, approach others spontaneously, imitate and respond to emotions, communicate nonverbally, and take turns with others. However, they do form attachments to their primary caregivers. A big symptom for autistic children is repetitive action, which explains why the boys played with the marbles continually, putting all of them down the track and then picking them up and doing them all over. Autistic children usually have to stick to a very precise and unchanging routine that's very specific, and if it were to ever get off track you'd get a temper tantrum, which explains why the boys had to get up and turn on all the Christmas lights precisely at 5:00. And finally, autistic children generally have trouble with emotions. Because they are deficit in communication, they often don't understand when people are happy, upset, sad, mad, angry, etc. because they don't pick up on facial cues. Like when I told the boys to stop throwing snow on my car they didn't understand that I was angry because they didn't understand that my face was portraying that I was angry and that the tone of my voice was telling them how I felt. Both Simeon and Micah work one on one with special education teachers at school and with speech therapists outside of school. They're both beautiful, growing, and healthy boys that are quite smart in fact. They both can fluently read, name all the types of plants in their garden, name all the nutrients and vitamins and what foods contain what, and what types of ingredients are generally unhealthy. They pick up on odd things that many of us don't and that's what makes them so unique. I'm going to continue babysitting for Ms. J and I can't wait to start helping the boys. Autism effects a select number of people, 1-2% of every 1,000 kids in the world, but four times as many males as females. While Simeon and Micah will never fully live on their own, they are good human beings. And they will live a great life, as any normal person.
For more information about Autism; visit:
I didn't intend to read all of the information she gave me. After all, it's like fifteen pages full text but I started reading last night and haven't been able to put down. Autism is mainly genetic and symptoms begin in the first two years of life. Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication. Most children have trouble developing social skills and that's why Simeon was being very unresponsive. Autistic infants show less attention to social stimuli, smile and look at others less often, and respond less to their own name. Autistic toddlers differ more strikingly from social norms; for example, they have less eye contact and turn taking, and are more likely to communicate by manipulating another person's hand. Three to five-year-old autistic children are less likely to exhibit social understanding, approach others spontaneously, imitate and respond to emotions, communicate nonverbally, and take turns with others. However, they do form attachments to their primary caregivers. A big symptom for autistic children is repetitive action, which explains why the boys played with the marbles continually, putting all of them down the track and then picking them up and doing them all over. Autistic children usually have to stick to a very precise and unchanging routine that's very specific, and if it were to ever get off track you'd get a temper tantrum, which explains why the boys had to get up and turn on all the Christmas lights precisely at 5:00. And finally, autistic children generally have trouble with emotions. Because they are deficit in communication, they often don't understand when people are happy, upset, sad, mad, angry, etc. because they don't pick up on facial cues. Like when I told the boys to stop throwing snow on my car they didn't understand that I was angry because they didn't understand that my face was portraying that I was angry and that the tone of my voice was telling them how I felt. Both Simeon and Micah work one on one with special education teachers at school and with speech therapists outside of school. They're both beautiful, growing, and healthy boys that are quite smart in fact. They both can fluently read, name all the types of plants in their garden, name all the nutrients and vitamins and what foods contain what, and what types of ingredients are generally unhealthy. They pick up on odd things that many of us don't and that's what makes them so unique. I'm going to continue babysitting for Ms. J and I can't wait to start helping the boys. Autism effects a select number of people, 1-2% of every 1,000 kids in the world, but four times as many males as females. While Simeon and Micah will never fully live on their own, they are good human beings. And they will live a great life, as any normal person.
For more information about Autism; visit:
Friday, December 11, 2009
New Do Inspires
I've never been fully confident with myself. I've always found something I didn't like, want to change, or can try and improve about my physical appearance. After the recent break up with my boyfriend, I've thought down about myself thinking something MUST be wrong with the way I look if he dumped me. So, this past snow day I dyed my hair from blonde to mahagony brown. I guess you could say it was more than a small change; it was drastic. It took alot of courage and some definite getting used to but overall I really like it. It's helped me become more confident with myself and other people have noticed it too. I want to say that it's an improvement but yet again I find myself doubting. By dying my hair I realized, it's not all about my outer apperance, it's what's on the inside that counts even more. Maybe he broke up with me because of my personality: my stupid jokes, my weird laugh, my sense of humor, my gullability, my silliness. The attributes that make up my own character. He must not like them and up until these past few moments I've thought that I could change to become the person he wanted and needed me to be. I've realized that it shouldn't matter what my physical appearance is and if he doesn't like my inner appearance then so what? I will find someone who can appreciate the weird things about me that make me who I am. I shouldn't have to change who I am for someone who doesn't understand me. I can't believe it has taken me this long to realize it but living in the materialistic world I do where I am constantly judged by what I wear, what I do with my hair, how I walk, how I talk, where I'm from, where I live, what kind of car I drive, everything has formed me into a person I don't even recognize anymore. I used to think that there was always something more that I could do with my life, volunteering was my way. I used to think there was always something more that I could do about my grades, so I started coming in for extra help and got them raised. And I used to think that there was always something more that I could do for my family, so I started helping more around the house. None of those things have been evident in my life these past few months and I feel I've lost sight of who I truly am. Dying my hair reminded me that it's not all about who I want to be or want to look like but about who I am and that I look like myself. Changing my hair doesn't alter the human being I am it only makes my appearance different and new. It has inspired me to become the human I once was and to take every change and accept it for what it is and to make the most of it. To grow from it, to learn from it, and to become better from it. As quoted by Batman101...
“Life can either be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it cannot be changed, then it must be accepted.”
See the beauty in change and embrace it. Don't accept normality. Be abnormal, be different, be you because no one can make it work the way you do. If changing your outer appearance makes you feel bettter, then do it! For one time in your life, it's all about you. Make it count. Carpe diem! Seize the Day! Make every moment worthwhile and make every change, be it big or small, count.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Let It Snow

'Ode to Snow Days! It's finally here! The very first one of my junior year! I can't tell you how exciting it was, to wake up in the morning to 12 text messages wishing me a good first one! And I knew that they meant Snow Day and put my head back down and fell asleep. I just woke up now, it's nearly 8 o'clock. I would usually be at school, sitting in AP US History, listening to Mr. B tell some lame women joke. Least to say; I'm happy to be home. For my day today, I plan on catching up on some homework, catching up on sleep, and catching up on some sledding. We have a couple huge hills in our neighborhood and a couple of friends are coming over while the roads are still okay and we're just going to have some fun in the snow. I told you before that I have a couple four wheelers and I live right by a huge park where we're going to take them, attaching sleds on the back and dragging people along. Besides the fact that it's a Snow Day and I'm home, I'd also like to point out how beautiful the environment looks today. The snow glistening on the ground, slowly falling, and reflecting in the midst of the day is one of the most breath-taking sights. I love standing outside in this weather and taking in a view. I also love taking photos. The trees look immaculate and snowing this much truly puts me in the Holiday Spirit. That and the fact that my mother has the Christmas Music cranked up, the ornaments out for us to decorate the tree, and ingredients for cookie making. Our fire is crackling and popping all season long and the warmth smells our house with a smoky aroma and makes me tingle when I sit by it. Nothing is more enjoyable than curling up by the fire with a blanket and a good book. I always catch up on some good books because it passes the time. The snow is a symbol for me; it represents the coming of my favorite time and holiday of the year: Christmas. I love the season of giving and receiving, huge family get togethers, and the ridiculous Christmas games that you know you always play. In our family, we have several traditions this time of year, including community service. For those who are less fortunate this time is usually the roughest. It is the least we can all do to help them out. Every year, I ring the bell for the Salvation Army and use some of my Christmas money to purchase gifts for the homeless. Every kid deserves a present to open Christmas morning, after all Santa never leaves out anyone. Moving on; another huge tradition is that I write the family Christmas letter. This is where I catch everyone up on what's going on in my family members lives and provide a cheesy family photo, which are always the worst of me. The one that I provided is from fifth or sixth grade and as you can tell I'm not a necessarily photogenic person to say the least. But now I've realized this post is becoming a rambling piece and I must go and carpe diem! Chao!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Prelude to My Favorite Days of the Year
I call this a prelude for two reasons: one because this is simply an introduction to what I call the best days of the year because just one post wouldn't be enough to describe my feelings and two because I feel with my favorite days comes certain advantages that I hope to achieve on my day off. I think I hinted at it a bit for you there and if you don't know it yet, I'll tell you now that without question my favorite days of the year are Snow Days. Why? Well I think the better question is why not? Snow Days are always welcomed in my world and hold several advantages that I hope you'll be able to see.
The first advantage is this: Snow Days can mess up a teachers planned events so that they become discombobulated (spelling?) and unaware of what they should do and this often works out to the students advantage because they push back quizzes, tests, and homework assignments. The day off screws up their teaching schedule and they know that kids don't spend their day studying for a test when they'll simply give the excuse that they "didn't know we still had it today." Lately I've been hearing alot of talks from each of my teachers on their policies with Snow Days so they're getting better at it but chances are if you get the entire class to go along with a sob story that you didn't know and therefore aren't prepared you can get things put off and make less work for yourself.
The second advantage is this: You get to sleep in! If your schedule is anything like mine your probably up until ungodly hours of the night doing homework or busy with some type of practice or game. Having such a busy schedule, it is easy to get behind in class work and more importantly, you rack up a lot of sleep debt. I know that in my case I usually get 5-7 hours of sleep each night which is quite inadequate considering the recommended amount is 8-10 hours. With Snow Days you usually can anticipate when they're going to happen and therefore shut off your alarm the night before. I have my mother wake me up only if there's an offchance we have school at regular time. Even if we have a two hour delay, I give myself two extra hours of sleep. Why not take advantage? It's good to catch up on some ZZZZZ's.
The third advantage is this: You get to hang with neighbors. Some people are less fortunate than I and aren't surrounded by children in their neighborhood and instead by elderly couples who don't like loud music. Sucks for you guys. Me, I'm surrounded by some pretty cool kids that definitely know how to kick it. On Snow Days we all get together and have snow ball fights, ride my four wheelers, sled, and just have a good time being kids. Sometimes it's fun to act like a little kid; sticking out your tongue and catching snow flakes. I love the image of falling snow, it's something quite breath taking.
The fourth and final advantage is this: You get to do all the homework you didn't do PLUS work ahead. I know it may sound nerdy to work on school work when there's no school but it's gotta get done sometime and if you're snowed in it's best to do something with your day a little more productive then strictly sleeping.
I've stated several reasons why I love Snow Days and I'm sure if there were more time in my day I could give you several more. Snow Days are a good break in the week for me and help lighten the fact that I'm still in school until Summer. They give me a reason to like the crazy driving conditions, the hectic shoppers I experience at work, and the somewhat too cheerful relatives that can't get enough of the Holiday spirit. A Snow Day a week=A Happy Kiona!:)
For tips on how to have a real snow ball fight on your Snow Day; visit:
The first advantage is this: Snow Days can mess up a teachers planned events so that they become discombobulated (spelling?) and unaware of what they should do and this often works out to the students advantage because they push back quizzes, tests, and homework assignments. The day off screws up their teaching schedule and they know that kids don't spend their day studying for a test when they'll simply give the excuse that they "didn't know we still had it today." Lately I've been hearing alot of talks from each of my teachers on their policies with Snow Days so they're getting better at it but chances are if you get the entire class to go along with a sob story that you didn't know and therefore aren't prepared you can get things put off and make less work for yourself.
The second advantage is this: You get to sleep in! If your schedule is anything like mine your probably up until ungodly hours of the night doing homework or busy with some type of practice or game. Having such a busy schedule, it is easy to get behind in class work and more importantly, you rack up a lot of sleep debt. I know that in my case I usually get 5-7 hours of sleep each night which is quite inadequate considering the recommended amount is 8-10 hours. With Snow Days you usually can anticipate when they're going to happen and therefore shut off your alarm the night before. I have my mother wake me up only if there's an offchance we have school at regular time. Even if we have a two hour delay, I give myself two extra hours of sleep. Why not take advantage? It's good to catch up on some ZZZZZ's.
The third advantage is this: You get to hang with neighbors. Some people are less fortunate than I and aren't surrounded by children in their neighborhood and instead by elderly couples who don't like loud music. Sucks for you guys. Me, I'm surrounded by some pretty cool kids that definitely know how to kick it. On Snow Days we all get together and have snow ball fights, ride my four wheelers, sled, and just have a good time being kids. Sometimes it's fun to act like a little kid; sticking out your tongue and catching snow flakes. I love the image of falling snow, it's something quite breath taking.
The fourth and final advantage is this: You get to do all the homework you didn't do PLUS work ahead. I know it may sound nerdy to work on school work when there's no school but it's gotta get done sometime and if you're snowed in it's best to do something with your day a little more productive then strictly sleeping.
I've stated several reasons why I love Snow Days and I'm sure if there were more time in my day I could give you several more. Snow Days are a good break in the week for me and help lighten the fact that I'm still in school until Summer. They give me a reason to like the crazy driving conditions, the hectic shoppers I experience at work, and the somewhat too cheerful relatives that can't get enough of the Holiday spirit. A Snow Day a week=A Happy Kiona!:)
For tips on how to have a real snow ball fight on your Snow Day; visit:
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Today, was another eventful day for the Iowa Elite family. We traveled up to Ankeny, Iowa (a little north of Des Moines) to compete in the 7th annual Winterfest Cheerleading competition, hosted by our friends: Iowa All Stars. A large family of cheerleaders in the Des Moines area, much like Iowa Elite here in Cedar Rapids. Each of our teams competed against the other Iowa All Star teams and other close to home teams in a battle for trophies and titles. We arrived at noon, which first off I think is ridiculous considering we didn't perform until 4:10 but we had to be early to watch our other younger teams compete. After all of this, we warmed up and competed our routine against ourselves. We had no one in our division so obviously it made the competition less stressful for all until our head Coach and founder of Iowa Elite Cheer Inc; Todd told us that if we didn't win the "Judge's Cup" we were going to run five miles at practice on Wednesday. Usually, I'd say he was kidding but this time he was dead serious. We have been slacking lately I'll admit and we haven't been trying half as hard as we could be at practice, as a result our routine is continually getting sloppier and less attractive to the naked cheer watcher eye. The adrenaline we get when competing is about the only thing that has been keeping our team afloat, and I really hope that that changes in the near future or were dead when we get to March and down to Florida for Cheer Nationals. Anyways, we all were really upset because our warm ups weren't well and our performance (we were told by our coaches) was average and not to the best of our ability, which is not in our favor. The judge's cup is what we had to win and this is based off the routine the judge's believe the participants performed to the best of their ability. The routine with the most pizazz and the one that caught their eye the most. Last year, when I was on All Girl Senior, we took that home and believe me, Co-Ed was absolutely pissed off at us. Again this year, All Girl did exceptionally well and we all thought they were a shoo in for the judge's cup. We got nervous when award time came around but excited for our teams because we knew one of them would get it, unless an Iowa All Star team somehow did. Enough with rambling though, point blank: WE GOT IT. We took home that beautiful trophy, the title, and our pride of yet again being the best. So far this season, Iowa Elite Senior Co-Ed has gotten first at every single competition we have competed at and Grand Champs of all of it. It's been amazing and this season has truly been a gift. I know that at times we get down on ourselves for not being as good as we can be, but I am proud of every single one of my teammates who show everyone how it's done and done well. I'm so thankful to be a part of a championship undefeated team that will continue to win and lead ourselves into National Champions. Next weekend, we compete in Des Moines again for the National Qualifying competition where we get our chance at strutting our stuff for a bid to Nationals in March and I hope all goes well. As for practice on Wednesday, well at least we don't have to run those five miles. Buuut we do have to improve alot if we want to win it. I think we can do it. No; I know we can do it! Undefeated and that's how we will stay!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Oh Joanne
Have you ever volunteered? Served your community? Worked for no pay? It's a rewarding experience for me and that's why I try to as much as I can. It sends tingles through my spine and knowing that I helped make someone else's life, less fortunate than mine, better is the best gift I can recieve. Knowing how I feel about volunteering, a couple summers ago my mom re-contacted one of her good friends to get together for lunch. Little did we both know, she was now the head volunteer coordinator for one of our local hospitals: St. Luke's. As they caught up my mom talked about all of her children, including me. You see, that summer I had went and job-shadowed my aunt. She's a pediatrician and that's when I made the initial decision to become a pediatrician when I grow up. Upon hearing this, my mother's friend Angela told her about her job position and how many high school students became volunteers for the hospital in order to prepare for the pre med field in college. So, I decided what the heck I have some extra time on my hands with it being summer, why don't I volunteer? So I started. First, I had to go through an interview, a flu and TB shot, and some paperwork and began training at the Emergency Department Desk with a volunteer of 25 years, Joanne. She had been working the shift that I was going to start for about 20 years and had built up many memories. While she trained me; she told me alot of her memories about the amazing people she's met, the lives she's touched, and the fun she's had while doing so. Many of her closest friends were volunteers and she never regretted a moment of her life at this desk. Seeing Joanne as happy as she was made me want to volunteer for the rest of my life. I have volunteered at the hospital over 200 hours so far and someday hope that becomes 2,000. I continue to work at the Emergency Department desk checking in patients, cleaning the waiting room, and making sure patients have a drink, a blanket, or a bag if need be.
At times when I feel stressed out with my life, I know that the moment I walk into the volunteer corridor of the hospital I feel welcomed. It's like their my second family and they are the nicest people you have ever met in your life. They always know what to say to make me feel better and being behind the emergency desk, helping patients and serving a greater good relieves alot of the stress I walk in the building with. I have really enjoyed volunteering over the years and hope to continue doing so. Someday, I want to be Joanne. A volunteer veteran. A true good soul with an amazing heart that cares for others. She is inspiring to me and those who surround her and I hope she knows this.
No matter how busy your life may be, there's always time to be a volunteer. Check out your local pantry, Salvation Army, American Redcross, or any other organization and get involved. Even if it takes a couple minutes of every week, do something for others. Make it a New Years resolution to volunteer once a week every week of the year, it will do wonders.
To learn more about volunteering at St. Luke's Hospital; visit:
At times when I feel stressed out with my life, I know that the moment I walk into the volunteer corridor of the hospital I feel welcomed. It's like their my second family and they are the nicest people you have ever met in your life. They always know what to say to make me feel better and being behind the emergency desk, helping patients and serving a greater good relieves alot of the stress I walk in the building with. I have really enjoyed volunteering over the years and hope to continue doing so. Someday, I want to be Joanne. A volunteer veteran. A true good soul with an amazing heart that cares for others. She is inspiring to me and those who surround her and I hope she knows this.
No matter how busy your life may be, there's always time to be a volunteer. Check out your local pantry, Salvation Army, American Redcross, or any other organization and get involved. Even if it takes a couple minutes of every week, do something for others. Make it a New Years resolution to volunteer once a week every week of the year, it will do wonders.
To learn more about volunteering at St. Luke's Hospital; visit:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Stay Beautiful

Greetings! For all of my followers, which is officially two!, it's been a while since the lady herself has written a post due to it being break and all. So I guess I'll start out with a little summary of what I did over break and a bit of a change in my life.
Over Break, I did numerous things. I ate lots of food (probably too much) with all my family, put up the christmas tree, did some 3 am early morning shopping, worked, and hung with my friends, and my well..I guess I now call him my ex-boyfriend. Almost every night, I hung out with my best friend in the entire world Cassie (pictured on the right) we both had super cute matching outfits from our shopping day!and we did so many diffferent things and hung out with different people I feel like I have a new circle of friends. I spent alot of time with my family which was really good, however my younger sisters were quite sick and I tried to avoid much of that.
And a tragedy, or so that's what I prefer to call it, struck on this past Saturday. I've mentioned I've been completely involved with a very nice boy by the name of Jon quite often and lately I had been spending an insufficient amount of time with him. So when Break came rolling around, we started to hang out alot more. I thought this would be so good for our relationship, I really wanted to continue to get to know him and being with him made me the happiest girl ever. The first few days of break we were together NON STOP. We hung out like every day and most nights, and it was bliss. I loved every minute of it and there is honestly nowhere else I thought I'd rather be. Due to it being the holiday, I went to Wisconsin for Turkey Day and Friday I was one of those crazy early morning shoppers and went to work at 3 and didn't get off til 930. Not that big of a deal, we could handle two days without seeing each other right? Well apparently wrong. I asked Jon if he wanted to come over on Friday night, and he refused. I asked him if he wanted to come over on Saturday morning, he refused. I asked him if he wanted to come over Saturday night and you'd never guess it but he refused that too. He had also been extremely short with his text messages and didn't answer my phone calls. Obviously, something was up. So finally he agreed to meet up with me on Saturday night. We went to Coldstone because he knows it's like my favorite ice cream place. I got there a bit early, made sure to look outstandddding, and when he got out of his car I ran to him. Like one of those crazy love movies only no dress. But you know what? I got no response out of him. Not a hey or a hug or a kiss or even a movement of arms, no exchange, he just kept walking in. So I thought to myself: what am I doing wrong? It's whatever. Maybe I was overexaggerating so I just walked in. He wasn't really talking to me in there either and when we finally sat down was the first time I think I'd ever heard him actually talk to me in the last couple days. The first thing he said is this: The reason I have been acting so weird is because...Now I know that sounds pretty bad right? It gets worse. He told me that he feels I am being dishonest with him. My immediate reaction? Put up my defensive wall and tell him that I was not lying to him, had not been lying to him, and didn't plan on lying to him ever. Then, he tells me he's heard so many rumors about me and this alleged boy, something that had happened before I even met Jon at the very beginning of the summer. He said he just didn't want to be lied to anymore. I told him he just needed to trust his girlfriend. And what he said next was quite possibly the worst, rudest, meanest thing I've ever heard in my life. He said this: Correction. You're my ex-girlfriend. Honestly, tell me what you're reaction would be cus I bet it would be quite similar to mine. I wanted to smack that boy upside the head! I burst into tears because I mean what's a girl to do. When the sympathy card really had no effect, I just told him I needed to leave. But before I did that, I asked him if he could look me in the eyes and tell me, without question, that we were done forever. for good. finished. vaneeto. never again and then I would know for sure that this was all real. And he did it. He looked me in the eyes, straight into my blue eyes that used to make his heart melt, and cold and glassy stared, told me we were done forever and that he never wanted us to be together again. I got up at that moment. Carrying my smoothie, I walked to my car and slowly opened the door. I looked back once to give myself a moment of grief and goodbye. I looked at him through that window and instead of wanting to march my booty right back in there, I thanked him silently. The past six months of my life have been true happiness for me. I've been able to love as much as I can and been able to give all of me to the one person that understands and wants exactly me for me and that is something I will always remember. No matter what happens between me and Jon I know that I will always respect and love and care for him because he truly means so much to me. I hope that someday we may meet again and eventually be together but for now, we both need to be free. I sincerely hope Jon still thinks of me, still wonders about me, dreams of me, and hopes for the same things I do. So for now, we may be just friends but that will not change how I feel. I know eventually I'll move on and learn to love someone else the way I loved Jon. No regrets from our relationship and I hope that Jon, wherever life takes him, is happy because that is what he deserves. As for all of you who are going through similar situations, who lost a loved one, who is having relationship problems or bad breaks, just remember: everything will be okay.
Stay Beautiful.
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