'Ode to Snow Days! It's finally here! The very first one of my junior year! I can't tell you how exciting it was, to wake up in the morning to 12 text messages wishing me a good first one! And I knew that they meant Snow Day and put my head back down and fell asleep. I just woke up now, it's nearly 8 o'clock. I would usually be at school, sitting in AP US History, listening to Mr. B tell some lame women joke. Least to say; I'm happy to be home. For my day today, I plan on catching up on some homework, catching up on sleep, and catching up on some sledding. We have a couple huge hills in our neighborhood and a couple of friends are coming over while the roads are still okay and we're just going to have some fun in the snow. I told you before that I have a couple four wheelers and I live right by a huge park where we're going to take them, attaching sleds on the back and dragging people along. Besides the fact that it's a Snow Day and I'm home, I'd also like to point out how beautiful the environment looks today. The snow glistening on the ground, slowly falling, and reflecting in the midst of the day is one of the most breath-taking sights. I love standing outside in this weather and taking in a view. I also love taking photos. The trees look immaculate and snowing this much truly puts me in the Holiday Spirit. That and the fact that my mother has the Christmas Music cranked up, the ornaments out for us to decorate the tree, and ingredients for cookie making. Our fire is crackling and popping all season long and the warmth smells our house with a smoky aroma and makes me tingle when I sit by it. Nothing is more enjoyable than curling up by the fire with a blanket and a good book. I always catch up on some good books because it passes the time. The snow is a symbol for me; it represents the coming of my favorite time and holiday of the year: Christmas. I love the season of giving and receiving, huge family get togethers, and the ridiculous Christmas games that you know you always play. In our family, we have several traditions this time of year, including community service. For those who are less fortunate this time is usually the roughest. It is the least we can all do to help them out. Every year, I ring the bell for the Salvation Army and use some of my Christmas money to purchase gifts for the homeless. Every kid deserves a present to open Christmas morning, after all Santa never leaves out anyone. Moving on; another huge tradition is that I write the family Christmas letter. This is where I catch everyone up on what's going on in my family members lives and provide a cheesy family photo, which are always the worst of me. The one that I provided is from fifth or sixth grade and as you can tell I'm not a necessarily photogenic person to say the least. But now I've realized this post is becoming a rambling piece and I must go and carpe diem! Chao!
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