Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I hate maturity. I hate the female menstrual cycle. OK, I'll be blunt I HATE PERIODS. I dread the day of the month my period arrives and cannot wait until the day it will end. Then, it's a month of bliss and in another month I get the distress of having to go through it all over again. It's times like these that I wish I was a boy. I know that with my period, comes many things and I'm sure other girls can relate to how I feel too. Anyways, today as you may have guessed it I started my period. I crave everything. I love chocolate when I have my period, so I usually have to find it anywhere in my house. Today, I found a granola bar in my room. I don't want to know where it came from or how long it's been there but hey it was fudge dipped and I snarfed it down. Other things I crave are weird. Today at lunch I craved cake. I usually HATE cake but it looked so good I just had to eat it. It's weird because all my cravings tend to be higher calorie foods, alright they're usually sweets. I don't know how to get rid of it either, but it always happens and I end up wasting money on this kind of stuff. Next with my period, comes the bloated feelings. I know that I'm supposed to feel bloated but when I'm on my period I feel downright fat. Suddenly, every curve of my body is an ounce of gross fat. I don't like wearing tight shirts or tight pants because they just expose what doesn't need to be seen. When I'm down about this, it doesn't make anything better coming home and eating more. Anyways, the next thing with my period is my mood. I'm always angry and in a really bad mood when I'm on my period and it sucks. I feel bad because I make a big deal out of nothing and usually end up taking stuff out on the people around me like my family and friends. I freaked on my mom today for making me go get the groceries out of the car, how dumb am I? My hormones feel so out of whack cus then I'll apologize and then, I started crying because of a test I took today. I don't even understand if this is normal. I get that my symptoms are pretty normal, but sometimes they feel to the extreme! I think I'm going to see my doctor the next time I start acting up due to my period. But can somebody please offer me some advice? Am I just exaggerating the symptoms and making a big deal out of nothing? Or is there something wrong with my menstrual cycle?! Help me Please!!

Wanna watch some chick freak out about her period?!? It'lll give you some chuckles:

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