COUNTDOWN: 3 DAYS :):):):):):):):) Officially, in three days, I will be seventeen years old!! No big deal or anything especially since I'm not even getting any presents, but it's still another step up in this world. Being seventeen I can now: go to rated R movies, rent pornography, and get my full license. WOOHOO. Just kidding. Literally, none of that stuff applies to me really. I've always been able to go to rated R movies or at least for a year or so now, because I look old enough so I never get I.D.ed at the movie theaters, not that I ever go to movies because I honestly don't. Secondly, I'm not some psycho sex fanatic nor have I ever had any interest in watching pornography, so I don't plan on renting it anytime soon. And lastly, I got a speeding ticket last June when I was sixteen so that means I have to wait a full year from that day to get my full license. Aka: I can't get it until June. And, as I stated before, I'm not getting any presents, well at least not NOW. My present for my birthday is going to Florida for eleven days in June with my best friend in the world, Cassie. So, my parents already booked my flight for there and back, and after $300, decided that that was a sufficient birthday present and to me, I agree, it's the best. It just sucks waiting for it. Espescially since I'm all hyped up at the fact that it's my birthday and usually you get presents on your birthday. So yeah it's going to take a little while for me to get used to the fact that I'm not getting squat right now, but I plan on having a good day anyways. I'm gonna hang out with friends, hit up some parties, and just embrace the last moments I'll have being sixteen. The biggest significance of turning seventeen for me is just showing I'm one step closer to leaving high school. I guess I have mixed feelings about that right now. I mean I like school, don't get me wrong. I love my friends, my teachers, and even most of my classes and I don't mind the workload that much, but it's the stupid stuff like little high school drama and what not that makes me so incredibly happy to almost be entering my senior year, to almost be on top, and then to be into my college years and eventually into a successful career and life. It's nice to think about. But as for now, I've got to embrace the time I do have in high school. Go to as many sports games, festivals, shows, concerts, and what nots I can. I want to enjoy the dance this year and look forward to my last two dances next year. But most importantly, I want to
enjoy my last few days of being a young little sixteen year old before I mature into seventeen years old. Okay, maybe it's not that big of a deal but I mean come on, whose gonna not get hyped up about their birthday? That's right. So Sunday, March 21, make sure to wish Kiona Rolfes a Happy 17th Birthday :) Please and thank you!
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