Official countdown: 14 DAYS!!!!!! That's right suckas, I am leaving for Florida in two weeks. That's all. Two weeks and then I am free for the Summer. For the rest of the year. For eternity. Can life get any better? I think not. I am soo pumped right now!! I have been waiting for this for a couple months now and it's finally finally here. In preparation: I've been gathering the items necessary like my swimsuit, my tanning oil, my running shoes, my sunglasses, towels, cute dresses, cash mula, and a pocketful of joy. Haha not literally a pocketful of joy, but I know just how happy I am going to be down there!! 11 days of fun in the sun and when I get back? No worrying about being in school. No, far from it. I am going to be living the life: SUMMER 2010. How excited can we all get?!??! I don't know. I can get pretty dang exciting. It will be nothing but parties all day every day, oh and that suckish thing called working :( Did I tell you I have 2 jobs? Yeah...I am now working at OfficeMax AND Vanity. Today, was my first day of hell aka working both jobs in one day. I worked Vanity from 7-noon and Officemax 1230-330, and cheerleading 4-6. This upcoming week: Monday night, Vanity 5-7. Tuesday night, Officemax 4-9, Wednesday night, cheerleading 430-630, Thursday night, Officemax 4-9, Friday Officemax 4-9, Saturday Vanity 2-7. Saturday night, wedding for my dad's cousin, Sunday projects galore and cheerleading. Sound like an eventful week? Yeah, I'm thinking so too. What's even worse is that I have to finish all my final projects early, take some of my finals early, and get ready for Florida in less than two weeks. I guess it just kinda hit me today. I'm gonna be gone. But, there are so many things to do before I leave I don't know how I'm going to accomplish it all. I do know, however, that this next week I'm gonna have to rock the homework, get through the projects, and really buckle down for the short haul. But don't worry, I'm sure I'll get through...that is if Mr. Ayers would not give us so much dang stuff to do before the end of the year! I mean really we have three weeks and we still have to get through authors studies, video essays, and third term portfolios. Yowza that sounds like a lot!! PLUS: I have to finish a project for AP US History, write and memorize an oral final for Spanish, learn AND PASS my chemistry final, finish my experiment/make my display board/finish my project for AP Psychology, and learn the rest of math/be able to pass that final. So, I was thinking that when my AP exams were done, I would be done with school. But clearly, that was more than an understatement. So much to do, so little time! I'll get there with a little help from my friends. Sorry, I'm quoting movies now and simultaneously watching season finales of my favorite shows, and trying to work on projects, read, and do other homework. Now, I'm just rambling to get the rest of my words in for the week and I'm thinking this is enough so peace out g scout. One more week of blogging? Or two? I'm thinking just one.
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