Greetings to all and a Happy New Year! :) Hope all is well with all of you, things are well for me. I think I'd better catch you up on the latest and greatest herself we haven't talked in over two weeks. I've been doing just fine, spent my Holiday break with my friends and family, and got some great things for Christmas. All in all though, it's good to be back and rearing eventually you get sick of Christmas music, food, and gifts. Hard to believe I know.
So the first day of break was awesome. I slept in til about 11, got up and moved about the house, and went out that night with some friends. The next day, I worked all day til about 4 and went to Christmas Mass, followed by our traditional candlelight dinner, and the opening of one Christmas present, which I got a new outfit. The house was full of holiday cheer, my sisters were super pumped about Santa coming, and my parents were just happy to have us alll as one. We did not attempt to go out on the roads and look at Christmas lights as we usually do but we still had a great time together. I know it sounds cheesy that I could actually get excited about Santa coming, seeing as though he is just a spirit to me, but I was very happy for Christmas morning to come. That morning was the best of my whole break, but with no surprise. As much as it's not fun to get up early, I race out of bed that morning and we all run downstairs. After opening up our stockings (which usually contain some gift cards, candy, and underwear), we get to open one gift from Santa. Because I have three siblings there are usually four presents. This year, we got to open three of them while we await the arrival of our step sister, Katie who comes at ten each Christmas morning. We got a new PlayStation2 to play our favorite game that's been broken for half the year: Dance Dance Revolution. Then, we got Wii Sport Resort and Wii Fit. Wii Fit was the one I had wanted most because it can help you get in shape. In fact, my aunt, without dieting at all, lost 22 pounds by using WiiFit for 6 weeks thirty minutes each day and that is what I plan to do this year. Anyways, once Katie got here it was haywire. We got to go into the living room and open up our presents from eachother. My mom always does this stupid number game where she writes numbers and sometimes even letters on the presents to throw us off so we don't go snooping. It's clever but I dislike it! This year's was even more confusing than ever so I didn't even bother to crack it. When all the present opening was said and done, which consisted for me of clothes, gift cards, and shoes, we went downstairs and played Wii games and DDR the entire day. For me, Christmas has become much more than getting gifts, it has become the day that I spend with my family each year that we never fight or get angry with each other, but we instead embrace in one another's company. It's a good feeling being surrounded by my loved ones and it makes me appreciate the Holidays even more. So anyways, after Christmas Day, I proceeded to hang out with friends, go to Coralridge and shop it up, and meet new people at parties that I had never imagined myself going to. One of the biggest highlights occured on Monday when I went to an old neighbor's photography studio and got pre-senior pictures done. Not only was it good to see him, but it gave me more of an idea on what I want my senior pictures to look like. He was very encouraging, we got some great pictures as you can see above, and I am a senior model for him and will get my pictures done there this summer. It's weird thinking that next year I'll be a senior, even more weird that 'll be getting senior pictures and applying for colleges and looking for my life after this. One tragic thing happened there that day though as I locked my keys in my car. His studio was in Mount Vernon and to make matters worse no one could find the spare key at my house, so after deliberation my parents called a locksmith and he came and unlocked it, causing us forty dollars. Correction: costing me forty dollars. I guess I learned my lesson. 1) Always have my keys 2) Don't lock them in the car and 3) Make sure I have some spare sets in case anything does happen. It's funny, my dad and I argued for hours about who was going to pay this bill because I felt it was his wrong that he had lost my spare set the last time he used my car but he argued that it was my mistake. We had my mom's side family Christmas this past Sunday and this is where it went down. We set up a fake court with my aunt and uncles as the jury and we each told our story. The verdict?I have to pay for it:( Oh well, my car recently broke down and my dad had to pay the battery and installation costs so I guess were even. But enough about my hatred for the purple car, over Break I became even closer with my best friend Cassie, grown apart from Mackenzie, and closer with Bri, Alex, and Abby. All my nights (and I mean literally all of them) were spent with friends while my days were spent with the family. It was nice to not have to think about having such a busy scheudule. Not worrying about what time practice is, or what time I have to be there for a game, or anything of that sort just relaxation. While I did have a great time over Break, I think it's good to be back in the swing of things. It's weird being back on schedule but good all at the same time. I've gone back to cheerleading practices, games, and academics and all is well thus far. Only three more months til Spring Break I keep telling myself, just three short months.
So the first day of break was awesome. I slept in til about 11, got up and moved about the house, and went out that night with some friends. The next day, I worked all day til about 4 and went to Christmas Mass, followed by our traditional candlelight dinner, and the opening of one Christmas present, which I got a new outfit. The house was full of holiday cheer, my sisters were super pumped about Santa coming, and my parents were just happy to have us alll as one. We did not attempt to go out on the roads and look at Christmas lights as we usually do but we still had a great time together. I know it sounds cheesy that I could actually get excited about Santa coming, seeing as though he is just a spirit to me, but I was very happy for Christmas morning to come. That morning was the best of my whole break, but with no surprise. As much as it's not fun to get up early, I race out of bed that morning and we all run downstairs. After opening up our stockings (which usually contain some gift cards, candy, and underwear), we get to open one gift from Santa. Because I have three siblings there are usually four presents. This year, we got to open three of them while we await the arrival of our step sister, Katie who comes at ten each Christmas morning. We got a new PlayStation2 to play our favorite game that's been broken for half the year: Dance Dance Revolution. Then, we got Wii Sport Resort and Wii Fit. Wii Fit was the one I had wanted most because it can help you get in shape. In fact, my aunt, without dieting at all, lost 22 pounds by using WiiFit for 6 weeks thirty minutes each day and that is what I plan to do this year. Anyways, once Katie got here it was haywire. We got to go into the living room and open up our presents from eachother. My mom always does this stupid number game where she writes numbers and sometimes even letters on the presents to throw us off so we don't go snooping. It's clever but I dislike it! This year's was even more confusing than ever so I didn't even bother to crack it. When all the present opening was said and done, which consisted for me of clothes, gift cards, and shoes, we went downstairs and played Wii games and DDR the entire day. For me, Christmas has become much more than getting gifts, it has become the day that I spend with my family each year that we never fight or get angry with each other, but we instead embrace in one another's company. It's a good feeling being surrounded by my loved ones and it makes me appreciate the Holidays even more. So anyways, after Christmas Day, I proceeded to hang out with friends, go to Coralridge and shop it up, and meet new people at parties that I had never imagined myself going to. One of the biggest highlights occured on Monday when I went to an old neighbor's photography studio and got pre-senior pictures done. Not only was it good to see him, but it gave me more of an idea on what I want my senior pictures to look like. He was very encouraging, we got some great pictures as you can see above, and I am a senior model for him and will get my pictures done there this summer. It's weird thinking that next year I'll be a senior, even more weird that 'll be getting senior pictures and applying for colleges and looking for my life after this. One tragic thing happened there that day though as I locked my keys in my car. His studio was in Mount Vernon and to make matters worse no one could find the spare key at my house, so after deliberation my parents called a locksmith and he came and unlocked it, causing us forty dollars. Correction: costing me forty dollars. I guess I learned my lesson. 1) Always have my keys 2) Don't lock them in the car and 3) Make sure I have some spare sets in case anything does happen. It's funny, my dad and I argued for hours about who was going to pay this bill because I felt it was his wrong that he had lost my spare set the last time he used my car but he argued that it was my mistake. We had my mom's side family Christmas this past Sunday and this is where it went down. We set up a fake court with my aunt and uncles as the jury and we each told our story. The verdict?I have to pay for it:( Oh well, my car recently broke down and my dad had to pay the battery and installation costs so I guess were even. But enough about my hatred for the purple car, over Break I became even closer with my best friend Cassie, grown apart from Mackenzie, and closer with Bri, Alex, and Abby. All my nights (and I mean literally all of them) were spent with friends while my days were spent with the family. It was nice to not have to think about having such a busy scheudule. Not worrying about what time practice is, or what time I have to be there for a game, or anything of that sort just relaxation. While I did have a great time over Break, I think it's good to be back in the swing of things. It's weird being back on schedule but good all at the same time. I've gone back to cheerleading practices, games, and academics and all is well thus far. Only three more months til Spring Break I keep telling myself, just three short months.
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