Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Three Way

I thought I'd be just fine without boys. No big deal they're usually crappy to me. So, I've focused on my grades, my friends, and cheerleading as a way to keep my mind off the haunting fact that I'm alone. It's scary to think that I'm only a junior in high school but I feel like one of those single individuals whose never going to love someone their entire life. I'm a bubbly person, pretty fun and energetic, so why hasn't it happened for me? Why haven't I found who I am looking for? I want someone whose going to share the same views I do, who feels the way I do, and whose going to treat me right. Ha I know waay too much to ask in this day and age but things have been changing for me the past couple days and I don't even know what to do with myself. On Friday night, after our defeat of one point by cross town rivals Washington Warriors, everyone was depressed. As a result, no one was really doing anything after the game and it was a dead night. Since I knew then that the next couple weekends were going to be tough for me to hang out with people due to cheer and church, I had to take advantage of every night I got to go out. So I knew that no matter what, I was going to find something to do. I found my friend Kylie after the game talking to her ex boyfriend Evan who plays for Washington. They were standing there in a group of people with a couple other boys and girls. I was with Cassie and we approached them asking what they were doing when all of a sudden this boy in the group turns around. He was drop dead gorgeous. He had beautiful eyes, an awesome smile, and a wonderful look to him. He was incredible, it was like love at first sight for me. I got all nervous and clammy and I screwed up some of my words. Kylie could tell I was mesmorized and told me to stop staring. I knew I had just thoroughly embarrassed myself but I didn't care I had to know who this boy was. They decided they were all heading to Pancheros so we went there too and sat by them. After Kylie said a couple more awkward things, her and Evan and Mariah and their little possy got up to leave. I thought this was goodbye for me. But then, this guy that I had been talking to whose name is Albert said he wanted to chill with me and Cassie. Albert is this super nice african american guy who was hilarious. We became friends from the moment we started talking, he is so tight and I feel like we've known each other forever. It's like things just clicked for us and we've been best friends ever since. I never knew it was possible for girls and boys to just be friends, but it is. He's like my brother and vice versa. Anyways, they decided to hang with us and least to say I was excited. We chilled in Cassie's car for a bit and were gonna go back to her house when my parents called and insisted I come home. I was so upset until I told the boys about a party I was going to tomorrow night and they really wanted to come. So, we dropped them back off, I got their numbers, Albert made me kiss them both on the cheek (too long to even explain), and the next night we all met up again so I could bring them to this party that I was going to. I didn't mention this, but beautiful boy does have a name. It's Joel. I know amazing right? Anyways, Joel was looking good not a surprise and we talked practically the entire time. They had another party to go to but Joel insisted I come. What's a girl to do? I went with of course but when one of his friends talked about fighting I knew I had to back to the hotel and my dream night ended in spoils. Joel gave me a hug and that made everything okay. I returned to the party and the rest of the night I was on cloud nine. No other boy could flirt with me or get my attention, I was day dreaming hard core. The next day, Albert calls me and Joel is on the phone too! It was heaven. We talked for a couple hours before Joel said goodnight but me and Albert kept talking. It's funny how I've known him for so little and already he knows so much about me. We're like the best of friends, everything is okay, nothing's awkward between us, I can talk to him about anything..even Joel. So we talked about it and I guess Joel is complicated with his ex girlfriend but was going to talk to her the next day to figure out what was going on. I was a bit let down, but I didn't let it get to me. The next day we hung out again and that night Albert went to bed early but Joel called me JUST ME and talked to me for two hours. I've never been happier to stay up late on a school night then I was that night. I didn't even care that I had to wake up in six hours, this meant so much to me. This happened again last night until Joel and I got into a conversation I've been thinking about ever since. We were talking about relationships and such and he asked me what my status was. I replied single but looking and he said as of a relationship. Awkward silence. More awkward silence. Silence..He breaks it. What's wrong? I made you mad didn't I? How was I supposed to tell him? It didn't matter anymore. He was taken and that was that, or so I thought. He has a way that speaks to me. I don't know how to describe it, there aren't words that can say how I felt. And so, I spilled my guts to him becauseI didn't know what else to say. Because he told me to tell him how I felt and I did and you know what it felt really good. He told me that he still wants to talk to me and just see where things go. I couldn't tell you how happy I was, because Joel this super sweet super awesome super cool super everything guy actually wants to talk to me. So I've decided that I don't really care if he has a girlfriend because as my mom best puts it..

"What's meant to be will find it's way."

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