I've talked about drama before, about how much I hate it, about how much I try to avoid it, and how much it always surfaces in the high school. Well, it resurfaced this past weekend, so unexpectedly, and so badly. So, I've been "talking" (term used to say almost dating/having a 'thing'/more then friends) to this boy named Brady from Marion. He's a sophomore but he's the cutest guy I have ever met and he's usually super sweet. We've hung out multiple times and I thought things were going pretty decent. And he thought so too, I mean he asked me to marry him on Facebook, and we were listed as married to each other, so he obviously wasn't too scared for other people to see that. I was relatively happy, I mean Brady has hurt me before by hooking up with another girl practically right in front of me. I forgave him eventually, and things seemed pretty good. A couple weekends ago my friend Abby got broken up with by her boyfriend. She was devestated, so I took her to a bonfire Brady had invited me to to take her mind off of it. I know, what a good friend I am. Anyways, I introduced her to lots of new, potential mates and I introduced her to Brady. No big deal, we had a good time, had a sleepover, and we talked about boys. This is when I told her about me and Brady and how close we were becoming and then I read her some texts from him saying he liked me and hoped things would work out and what not. I'd say it's pretty clear we were in the pre-dating stage correct? Correct. So anyways, she didn't seem to care because this past weekend I was supposed to hang out with her and Jordan, but I had to hang out with shelby instead. I got on facebook the next day and wrote on her wall and told her we really needed to hang out soon and sorry that I couldn't hang. Then, I creeped on the pictures she put up from the weekend, and gasped at what I saw. She only had abut 5454345 pictures of her and Brady, including one of them kissing. STRAIGHT UP KISSSING. ON THE LIPS. IN A PICTURE. FOR THE WORLD TO SEE! Slutty kinda? Yeah I think so too. Plus, she keeps saying how heartbroken she is over her ex-boyfriend. HA. Obviously not, because she's kissing another boy in a picture like two weeks later. And not only is it with a boy, it's with my boy. Or should I say was. Anyways, I commented on it and I was like hahahahah suppper cute abs :):):) and she commented back and was like it's not what it looks like! Haha wanna explain to me what it was then? Cus to me, it looks like your kissing the guy I told you I liked. Hmm weird. That's exactly what it is. I wished I could say something like that but instead I just didn't comment back. So, I'm like sweet life. I go to write on her wall and I see Brady wrote on it. So, I looked at their wall-to-wall (maybe a little creepy) and they were talking about playing tennis together the next day. So basically here's a recap of what happened: I told Abby I liked Brady, Abby kisses/takes pics of kissing Brady and puts them on facebook, Abby goes on a date with Brady, Abby doesn't apologize and neither does Brady. Cooool. It's funny because if I even took a pic with Cole (her ex) she'd be all on my case. It's one thing for her to steal him from me, eh not a big deal I don't need him I have other boys, but it's another thing to just not even do anything about it. So now I'm like what the heck! You're a bit**. I'm pissed off, I don't like her at the moment, and I am gonna take a picture with Cole soon I've decided and put hearts on it or something. Yep, I stoop to that level but only because she did it first. And if you're reading this Abby, F YOU :)