Thursday, April 1, 2010
Who wears short shorts?
I am all for the 80 degree weather currently sun-bathing my pasty-white skin. I am even enjoying the sweat now being perspirated every couple hours, one thing however that I'm not loving about this summery weather, is short shorts. Yes, it's proven true that most girls love to wear these and I'll admit in the past I have loved wearing them. However, with my body growing at a rate larger than life (or at least that's the way I feel), I HATE wearing short shorts because they expose the nasty fat that I've been accumulating the past couple months. My legs are a big problem area on my body. I like to refer them as thunder thighs because they literally shake every time I walk. Gross right? Yeah I think so too. I have generally large thighs, alot of which is muscle, but also a lot of it is fat. When I wear short shorts the end of them end up cutting off half the circulation in my legs and more over exposing more of the fat cells in my legs. I feel sick when I put them on and worse off, it squeezes my hips and exposes what I refer to as love handles. Love handles are what I "lovingly" call the extra fat accumulated on my hips. They are disgusting because when wearing tight pants I look like I have extra hips on top of my hips and I'm thinking that's not the cutest thing. The next thing that really bothers me about my body is my stomach in the middle. I have at least an inch of it. I was taught in elementary school that if you can grab more than a little teeny bit of your stomach, then you needed to work harder in gym: aka our teacher was telling us we were fat. well, not only can I grab a teeny bit but I can grab about ten times of that. It's pretty sick if you ask me!! Next is my arms. The stuff that hangs off of my muscles, which is on the underneath, is super exposed in dresses which isn't technically good because it looks kinda sick with tank tops usually worn in summer. So coool. And finally, the last issue is my double chin. I feel as though when I smile I look like I have a million chins. Okay, not literally but I have some extra chicken gobbler under my chin and I feel like it makes me appear even bigger than I already am. I just altogether HATE my body. Not myself, because I tend to keep myself in a high regard, but my body just is pretty nasty. I will admit I haven't been working super hard on fitness, because I figure I'll just catch up when it's closer to summer. But guess what? Summer weather is here and I'm still fat. So, it's time to kick into high gear. I've been trying to watch what I eat. I usually eat fibery type cereal for breakfast, a can of enviga (a calorie burner sparkling green tea beverage), I allow myself to eat a meal at school because you can't really be healthy here, and a granola bar and maybe some Special K cereal or turkey or something for dinner. I've also been running after school everyday, and try to do circuit training twice a week. Circuit training is where you do a bunch of small stuff with a lot of repetitions. I usually do lunges, squats, crunches, push ups, planks, etc. with weights with 20 reps a piece until I get through about five or six exercises, give myself a 30 second-1 minute break and then back at it. I repeat this about five or six times. My manager at work was actually the one who helped me start this and actually tomorrow, I plan on joining a local gym with a friend and hopefully work out at least 3 times a week and maybe, just maybe, if I work hard enough and push myself, I can have the body I want in about two months, aka when I leave for Florida and aka when summer starts, then I can get me a man. Haha okay honestly I'm not too worried about that but uhhh yeahh I would rather do it for myself. I owe it to myself. It will boost my self-confidence and help my self-esteem. Plus, I'll be forming habits that I can carry on to college and into life itself. Anyways, today I'm wearing short shorts in an effort to make myself feel so humiliated that I force myself to work even harder. It's a real confidence booster though when people tell me my legs look good. Lying? Yeah, I think so too. Oh well. Anyways, sometimes when I feel super fat I remind myself I'm blessed to not be unhealthy or overweight, extremely obese, or having to prepare for bypass gas surgery. Here's a pic of someone, while I feel bad, makes me feel better about myself:

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