So, I'm sitting here waiting to give my speech for Class of 2011 Vice President. I'm in the library at our school, and am minding my own, sitting, being quiet, and now doing something productive. My cell phone was sitting on the table while I was chilling on the computer, deleting my junk e-mails and reading the funny ones forwarded from my little sisters. I wasn't making noise, said hello to a couple people I knew in the room, but all in all I've been keeping to myself. Anyways, this bit** library lady walks up to me and tells me to put my cell phone away. At first I thought it was a joke, so I kind of laughed it off since I didn't really know this teacher, but then she told me I would have to leave and couldn't tape my speech if I didn't put my cell phone away. For one, it's after school so it really shouldn't matter. If I didn't have to wait to tape my speech, I would be on my way home or something of the nature in an area where I could use my cell phone. For two, it's not like I'm staying here to do work. I explained to her when I entered here that I had to wait to do my speech, meaning I was staying here solely for that purpose. I sat down at a computer because it seems like the only thing to do in this boring place, and I logged on and began checking e-mails and grades. So, after I had put my cell phone away she decides to yell at me for working on something not school related. Seriously? Get real here lady. First off, it's after school therefore I don't have to do what you say just because I'm using something of the schools and there's no reason why you shouldn't let people do what they want to on the computers. For some less fortunate people, this may be the only computer access available to them and they probably don't want to spend it doing pointless classwork. So lighten up. Second off, if I don't have any other homework what on earth do you expect me to do in this boring place? You act as if I actually want to go pick out a book and begin reading, besides I'd rather not pay a late fee or something ridic such as that for only attempting to waste my time for twenty minutes before I go. You may be thinking I'm overexaggerating a bit, or that perhaps the lady isn't as mean as she sounds, but I'm definitely not the only one she's yelled at. She walked over to a kid whom she knew by name and told him he neeeded to stop watching Youtube videos, he told her he was listening to music and she said that's fine but you don't need to be watching the music video either and if you don't start being productive, I'll make you leave. HA. Then, a kid takes out his phone and stands up, as if he's ready to walk out, and she says you have to walk out of here and not come back if you're going to use your phone. No phones allowed. He told her he was a freshman (okay, yeah he lied) and that he was waiting for his mom to call to let him know that she was there. She said that that was just too bad. Wow really? It's funny how the schools supposedly want to participate in the "No child left behind" program, allowing kids access to computers, well guess what lady? Let kids be kids and do what they want on the computer. I honestly think this lady is just hard because she doesn't have an actual teaching position and instead she has the pathetic position of head librarian. Well she's not going to be the boss of me I'll tell you that much. I'm opening up some Youtube and texting away!
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