Yes, we all know this young superstar currently sweeping the nation and many girls off their feet with his super awesome love songs and rocking music videos that portray his beautifulness. okay, he may only be 13 but he's quite attractive for his age and his voice is so cute and little. Yeah it's probably true that he hasn't hit puberty quite yet, but who cares? with a voice like his, I'd date him in a heartbeat. anyways, me and Kylee are sitting here listening to his songs like "Never Let you go", "Baby", and "One Time". He makes our hearts melt. He sings to girls in his music videos. I want to be one of those girls. And then that also got us to thinking that our love lifes suck because they're non-existent. So we've decided that Justin Bieber is our new boyfriend and we want a guy just like him. There's this boy that I know by the name of Brady Randy who seriously looks like a mixture of Justin Bieber and Ryan Scheckler and he's probably one of the cutest boys I've ever met in my entire life. And currently we're in the "talking stage" as teens like to refer to it as. Anyways, I'm getting really off topic because my main topic in this blog was to talk about Justin Bieber and how he is my love. Sometimes I wonder if he writes his own songs, I hope he does. Second off, I wonder if he really experiences the things that his song portrayals. In some of his music videos, he's singing to girls and crying that they're gone or happy that they're there. Is it possible for someone his age to have already gone through a number of relationships equivalent to me? Yeah probably. I wonder if he actually has a girlfriend. It'd be nice to know if I ever have a chance with him, besides that being a little pedafileish of me. There's this new contest where you can win a private, backstage concert with him. He could honestly melt my heart away if he sang to me. Is that my type? Do I like the rockstar looking guys? It's pretty possible. If some guy sang to me, playing his guitar, like any other girl I'd freak about but the music type person is really not for me. But that's okay, I'll make some exceptions for Mr. Bieber. So Justin if you're out there and reading this, pick me for the concert, I promise I won't dissapoint!
P.S.-I guess there was an internet rumor that he died?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Don't worry folks, it was all a fake just because he hasn't been on his twitter in 14 hours?! Let the kid rest guys. It's seriously 14 hours. haha.
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