Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Frustrations

Several things currently upsetting me.....

1) So we've been using this program called Google Docs for our class essays this term. It's a relatively new and easy program to use and thus far, I've been pretty happy about it. Until I attempted editing one of my class mates essays and found it impossible to keep the same font color. This means that everytime I want to make a comment I have to go up and click different font color and if I think about what I want to say too long, it goes back to being the same black color. It's frustrating, time consuming, and it really pisses me off. It probably adds an extra like 20 minutes to the editing process. Yeah, gay. But I guess now you can insert comments, so hopefully, fingers crossed, things will be lots easier for me.

2) Shady ass friends. It's impossible to believe my supposed "best friend" talks probably every rumor I hear about myself. I don't even know what to say or do or confront her or what. She denies it. She acts like nothing is wrong and really, lots of things are wrong with it. I can't trust her, first off, and second off she's just been a b***h to everyone. Whatever, so over it.

3) My job sucks monkey butt. I work like 20 hours a week, yeah gay I know but I've been attempting to save up for my trip to Florida in June. On Monday I worked and didn't feel good, puked at work, and my gay manager still wouldn't let me go home. I swear I could be dying there and they'd still make me work. Plus, they yell at me when I do my hw there or read but it's so boring and there's never anything for me to do so I'm not sure what they expect me to do. Plus, they keep telling me to read up on our rewards program and get it figured out so I can tell people more about it. Okay, you go to and see if you can figure it out, it's frickin impossible.

4) I had to pay for my own prom dress. Okay, yeah it was only 27 dollars but when times are tough, hours being cut at work, and me trying to save every penny for Florida, I really shouldn't have to pay for a dress. Especially when it was only 27 dollars. So, I've decided I'm getting really nice shoes for it. That should make up for me paying for it.

5) My grade in AP Lang is a D and is bringing my grade point average down to about a 3.5. Not acceptable for a 4.1 student. So Ayers, I would really suggest doing something that could give our grades a boost. I know it may be a bit too much ask but if you could give us some participation points, anything, that'd be great! Thanks!

6)So friday, I had to stay home all night because I had the ACT in the morning so I didn't get to do anything with my friends at all. Then, Saturday I worked til 8 and got to go out for like 3 hours tops and it was a gay night. And now I guess I have to babysit Saturday night, when I work Friday night also. So FML.

7) My boys basketball squad for cheerleading is a joke. We have three flyers and three bases. how do they expect us to make that work? There's three of us always doing the work, three always going up in the air, it's gonna suck so I'm looking for a change there and also a change in the coaches cause I hate them.

8) I just realized I'm out of lunch money. It's bow tie pasta today. That's my favorite. Dangit, I can't eat. I'm gonna mooch off someone.

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